Pia Camil, a performance and multimedia Mexican artist of the twenty-first century. Camil highlights the language of modernism and evokes public participation, through producing textile installations, ceramics and videos.
Camil’s work is based around the concept of billboards which shape the Mexican urban landscape. Her work highlights the failure of the commercial system. The notion of today’s relationship between retail and advertisement draws attention to her art.
Camil breaks traditional consumerism and achieves public engagement. Her work allows users to relate to these current lived experiences in today’s society, through dissolving the boundaries between the viewer and the work on view. Camil’s works strive to be playful, interactive and participatory in exhibitions. For example, usable hammocks made out of discarded jeans sewn together, creating intimate and social spaces within the gallery at Nottingham Contemporary.
Camil’s most highly acclaimed project is the multiply variation of exhibitions produced from the Second-hand t-shirts stitched together to provoke public engagement within consumerism of art.
Examples of Second-hand t-shirts stitched together
